Friday, July 30, 2010

Just a Quote

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony".
Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, July 19, 2010

As I have gotten older I have tried to throw my pet peeves out the window. Trying to think the whole life is too short to let such trivial things bother you. However as I am sitting here trying to work, and yes trying is the key word here, I am reminded of a big pet peeve of mine: Hearing people eat. I don't want to hear chewing, swallowing, crunching, sucking, slurping, finger licking...ugh it is just gross. I understand that you are going to hear some of these noises when you are at the table with someone, it cannot always be helped, I know I make some of these noises (just because I am doing them does not make them any less gross). But I should not hear someone in the next cubicle...really people come on. Manners 101.
(I blame the crunching one on my sister, she could never stand it, and it has passed on to me)
My biggest peeve is that mainly. Here are just a couple more:
It drives me nuts when people wear sunglasses inside. I don't really need to expand on the whole the sun shines OUTSIDE thing.
I have some driving peezes but those are probably universal so I won't bother to expand on those.
There may be more, shoot I know there are more, but I will stop here. Reading about someone peeves may be a peeve to someone.
Why is it called a 'pet' peeve anyway.
**If the crunching does not stop I will go insane**

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Back Again...Mabye

Well I spruced up the blog page a bit, added some bright colors in hopes that it may inspire me to come back and post. Will it work? We shall see.

I have given up on blogging about books. Although I only did it once, I didn't particluary like it. I wonder how I did on book reports when I was a kid. I suck at summarizing. I did however just read a very good book, "The Particluar Sadness of Lemon Cake" now if the title alone doesn't make you want to read it the story line should. A woman finds out at an early age that every food she eats she can feel the emotions of those that prepared it. It is by Aimee Bender. Very good!
That is it for now. Read the book and read my blog